• Future test ideas for channel growth

  • Have ideas on features you want to see added? Feel free to put any an all suggestions here on how we can improve!
Have ideas on features you want to see added? Feel free to put any an all suggestions here on how we can improve!
 #55  by Putnam
Some things I thought I would do to track impact on channel growth:
  • Shorts
  • Live Streaming
  • Google Ads (yeah I know)
  • Paid Thumbnails
  • Keyword Spamming
  • TubeBuddy
  • Hardcore Series
  • 100 Days
  • Extreme Keyword Targetting

    Mostly I am jotting ideas down in here so I don't forget them. Feel free to suggest other ideas and I will gladly give it a shot - even if it costs a bit of $$$. I'll waste mine so you don't waste yours.

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